Monday, June 21, 2010

Update on flooring

I have tackled what I was so afraid of. I have had some anxiety but not like I thought I would. We are not done installing yet. My husband and me are not the best handy people. It took a long time to get it all figured out but we steadily moved along when we got a pattern going. I still don't like the sawdust part of it. Part of my OCD makes me afraid of breathing in bad things and it staying in my lungs. I am really afraid of inhaling particles of broken glass or eating it on chipped dishes, styrofoam, fumes, and I can't think of the other things now. Oh, I'm afraid that when I eat a piece of candy or something out of a plastic wrapper that a piece of plastic might somehow get into my mouth and I won't notice and I'll breathe it in. Yep, it's part of the fun of having OCD.


  1. Looking good. And you actually helped with the install. Way to face your fears. :)

  2. It looks fabulous! And congratulations on facing your fear--that took courage! Anticipatory anxiety is a beastly thing.


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