Thursday, July 1, 2010


It is 4:00 a.m. at this moment. I am awake and and panicing. Last night we worked on the laminate flooring again. This stuff is not as easy to put in as I thought it was supposed to be. I was great and probably would still be fine until my loving relative that was helping us decided to use the jig saw in the kitchen to cut out the shape of the air vent and of course right over the air vent. I was not happy about that. My husband drew the shape on the previous ones and took them outside to do it. Now, I'm freaking out because I know dust went down into the vent and I can't reach that far to clean it out so it will blow out into the air me and my family are breathing. My husband vacuumed it up which was nice but now my vacuum is contaminated too. The issue I'm having is not just about sawdust. It's something I mentioned in a previous post that there is a hard layer of what's called aluminum oxide to protect the floor. I am so scared of breathing it in and of my kids breathing it in. I already have a fear of breathing in anything that is not clean air because I'm afraid of things getting stuck in my lungs. I just feel hopeless and like crying right now. I feel like I'm stuck in a poisoned house now. I feel like it's hard to breathe but I know it's because I am panicing. My husband got called into work very early this morning so that's why I'm up. I cleaned the floor off and other surfaces in the kitchen with a damp cloth.  My nose is stuffy so I can't help but think it's from the dust. I'm sad because I don't want the dust and what's in it to hurt us. I am sick of this and now I think it would have been better to keep the carpet. It just makes me so mad that he did the cutting in here over the vent. I love him and I know he didn't mean to make me feel this way but because of my OCD I am very mad and scared and sad right now. Today is probably going to be a challenge for me. I am babysitting my two year old nephew also. If I can't go back to sleep I am probably going to be grouchy too. I don't want to turn the air conditioning on because I don't want it to blow the stuff out. When I feel like this I just want to crawl into a little ball and cry and have someone hold me and tell me it's going to be okay. I know God tells me not to be anxious about anything and maybe I need to cast my anxieties on him because he cares for me.


  1. Praying for you, Kim! I know how you're feeling and it really sucks. I hope you got some more sleep. And I hope you're able to find a measure of peace today.
    And I know it's probably not reassuring at all, but I promise you won't be hurt by the dust. If you are, you can blame it on me. ;)

  2. Praying for you as well. I know how hard this is for you. I am working on casting my worries to God as well but it is so hard to let go of the fear isn't it. I know he is in control and not my OCD brain but I just can't let go of the fear. Hoping your day gets better!!!

  3. I know this feeling all too well, and I am sorry you are going through it. The one thing that comforts me is knowing how very similar my fears are to those of others with OCD. We have a common theme, the only thing that is different is the subject matter. That gives a bit of power to us, knowing that, because in that realization is a window to reality: things are not as bad as our minds would make them seem. These thoughts belong to the OCD, not to us.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  4. Thank you all so much. It does really help me when I read comments from you and I was hoping I had some. Thank you for the prayers and the understanding. I am doing a little better today. I hope all of you have a wonderful day.


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