Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I did it.

This morning I was determined to clean out the sawdust in the garage. The morning didn't start great because I threw a bag of garbage in the can outside and I didn't know there was a bunch of sawdust left in there so it all blew on me when I put it in there. I went to the store and bought some dust masks. I was going to use my shop vac, but it wasn't working. I swept the floor alot and used a bucket of water and a sponge. I still have some work to do but I am tired after spending a about three hours cleaning. I am proud of myself. I feel alot better now.

Update at 4:54
I started feeling anxiety showing it's ugly face. My breathing was getting hyper-ventilating like and I could hear a wheezing so it "MUST" have been from the dust says my OCD. I took a clonazopam to help me get back to normal if you can call it that. I'm feeling a little better now. I may have more anxiety tonight but I hope it will be gone by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs! Good job today. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. :)


Spring Vacation