Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My first day of sharing my OCD with the world

I have experienced OCD unknowingly since I was a kid. I used to have to touch things when we were in the store. I mean I "had" to. I didn't just want to. That's the first memory I have of OCD. I then later in elementary school I had germ phobias. I didn't even want to pet our family dog because if I did I'd have to clean my hands with a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol. I remember always having to put the radio station on Z100 before I got out of the car. It might be bad luck if I didn't. I would have to stare at my closet and blink my eyes a certain amount of times before I went to sleep. I didn't know anything was wrong with me or why I was doing these things. I didn't even really think about it. It wasn't until 1998 when my first child was born that I discovered from all the symptoms that I had OCD. I made an appointment to go see a doctor and then it was an official diagnosis. I then began taking medication which was Luvox. I still take the generic of that medication and it has been helpful. Every day is a journey and some days are much harder than others. I do rely on God and family to get me through. Thankfully my husband and children are able to laugh about alot of the things and anxieties I have and that helps to put things back into reality. I do love them so much. I hope to blog as often as I can so others facing the same thing might find some comfort and others who know nothing about OCD can learn about it.

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