Saturday, March 26, 2011

OCD you are being a pest(icide)!

This last week has been spring break. Everything has gone pretty smoothly. We have stayed busy.We have gone bowling, to play video games, roller skating and to a movie. We did go mini-golfing and of course their was some sort of weed sprinkle stuff on the barkdust and my ball kept going straight for it. I got a kleenex out of my purse and picked it up with that. My kids were laughing at me and my husband thought oh wow she's crazy. I decided to throw the kleenex away after my kids were picking up their contaminated golf balls. I touched mine. I did not want to but I did. We went to the restroom and washed our hands before we left.

I babysit my nephew two days a week. My sister puts an ant trap outside her apartment door. I've always had a small issue with his shoes thinking there is a residue of that on his shoes. She told me the other day she put some ant strip thing in her bedroom becasue she found ants in there. I don't know why people have to tell me when they use poison because they know it bothers me. She has OCD too but the poisons don't bother her. She called me this morning to ask me if I could give her a haircut. I told her I wasn't going to be able to today. I really don't want to touch her hair because I am afraid of the contamination from the ant strips. I just can't deal with it today. Some things I do just avoid because it's much easier than putting myself through what comes afterword. My hair cutting tools will be contaminated and me and I just can't do it. People, don't tell me things about the poisons and chemicals you use. My mother-in-law always does this too. She knows how much it bothers me but yet she can't help but tell me when she has used a pesticide or something. I don't get it. I feel bad for not cutting my sister's hair but you know I do alot for the people in my life and there's just some things I can't do because I'm not responsible for everyone. I haven't even had my hair cut for over a year except by my self. She only likes me to cut it for her. I was a professional hairstylist way back when but I just do my families hair now. That's a whole other story in itself.


  1. Yay for touching the golf ball--that's big! As is letting your kids have fun picking up the balls and playing the game. I know it's hard to believe but the more you avoid all that might be contaminated, the scarier the obsessions are going to be, because the avoidance feeds the fear.

  2. Good job facing the contaminated golf ball. It's a step in the right direction.
    I hear you about the pesticides. I would rather have the bugs. :) And I've been where you are. You know what helped me? When I was actually honest with people about why I couldn't do something. It helped for me to say it out loud - to own up to it. The fears seemed just a little less scary when I could tell someone what I was actually going through. And yes, they usually thought I was just a little bit nuts - but they were more willing to work with me and try to be understanding.
    Good luck.


Spring Vacation