Monday, January 9, 2012

Holidays and some eye OCD

One more day until my kids are back in school. They had three weeks off because an extra week was thrown in with budget cuts. It has gone pretty good. I know they are ready to go back even if they don't know it. The holidays went pretty good here. Usually, I get sad feeling during the holidays for no apparent reason but I didn't. I'm happy about that. I haven't blogged for a while and usually that's a good thing for me because I'm usually doing good. I have been so busy too. At the moment I'm OCDing but not freaking out about my eyes. I have a thing with my eyes getting damaged by sun, lazers, welding. I was burning some pictures and I somehow think the lazer is going to get to my eyes and cause damage even though I can't see the lazer.  I don't even like to look at photos of the sun or pictures of the sun on t.v. because I think it could hurt my eyes. I was watching Ellen the other day and Howie Mandel came on with this teeth whitener thing on and he told people there and at home not to look at him because it might damage your eyes. That was after watching it for a few minutes. I really logically don't thing it can hurt your eyes from t.v. but that's my OCD. I don't care if people laugh at me for that. It is kind of funny.


  1. Oh, I worry about that too! I can't stand it when they show an eclipse of the sun on TV. It think it's probably OCD but I always wonder if the sun rays are recorded on the video. I'm so glad your holidays went well.

  2. So glad to find this post. I have had eye OCD for years. I even moved house because I couldn't stand the 'sun position'. I would stay awake all night waiting for the sun to shine through the window - thinking it would damage my eye sight.

    - I moved desks at work because of the sun
    - I won't check my phone outside (sun glare)
    - Swapped my sunglasses 10 times (wouldn't keep sun out)
    - Also had the TV sun thing

    It's tough !



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