Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jittery, out of sorts, noise sensitivity

I always have a sensitivity to noises like extreme compared to most people. I think it has something to do with OCD. Today has just been one of those days I woke up and I am moody and just don't feel quite right which to a degree I'm used to. I  have felt like this lots but it's just one of those days. I dislike feeling this way. To top it off I'm again feeling the anxiety about the stupid antifreeze. I went outside and saw my husband pouring water out in the flowerbed from a two liter pepsi bottle. I thought he must have added antifreeze to his car because no one knows how the pepsi bottle got in the garage filled with water. He says he did not put antifreeze in his car but I know he wouldn't say he did because I'd have an OCD meltdown. I'm having one anyway. Now, I don't want to go out to the garage for a while. I'll have to put a stupid rubber glove on the door handle just to go out to the garage to put some recycling out there. Nice. I'm just in the middle of an OCD moment. That sounds like it should be a song.


  1. That does sound like it should be a song. Do you compose music or write poetry? You should give it a try! :)
    I'm scared of airplane noises and noises that get louder and louder. I think it's probably plane anxiety for me. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Sorry you are having such a tough time.....hope you feel better soon.

  3. Hi Kim. You haven't blogged in a while and I was just wondering how you were doing. I hope you had a nice Christmas and that you are feeling a bit better. Take care.

  4. Happy New Year! I bot myself a book for christmas called 'it'll be ok' by shannon shy. He was in the military and got ocd really badly. He also has environmental ocd. I found it on amazon. Not going to put down what his ocd spikes are cause i don't want to give your ocd any ideas. I will write a review on my blog and you can check it out if it doesnt bug your ocd to read about other's you want to!


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