Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today started off with a whoot

Now feeling a little sickish and very OCDish. Are repair people suppose to ask if they can use your bathroom in your house?  I could have said no, but I said he could because I would feel rude if I said no. I guess I should have said's broken or something. I'm not good at coming up with quick excuses like that. I had to sanitize my bathroom with my seventh generation cleaner. I hope that's enough to do it. I'd use bleach except I'm afraid of it. What's a girl to do? 
I have been feeling a little on edge the past few days as I was trying out a vegan diet. Oh my goodness is it ever hard and confusing when you have know nothing but meat and dairy products. I have tried not eating meat before and I don't mind it too much but the dairy thing is like way hard. My daughters' tummy gets upset from dairy and I just thought we'd go full circle and jump on the vegan train. Just not working out too good. It's hard enough trying to figure out what to feed your family every day and then add that and WOW it's even harder and more stressful.
That's my venting for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having such a rough time! I just started avoiding meat and dairy too - and this website really helped! . I also read the book "The China Study" which helped. Good luck!


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