Saturday, June 2, 2012

I haven't written anything in a while. I just haven't really felt like writing anything about OCD. Sometimes it  feels like I'm bragging about it or something which it is nothing to brag about. I can make it sound humorous which it's really not either. I do try to look for humor in the situation because it can help me alot with it. If I can find humor in it then there is a light. It's amazing how OCD can drain my energy. I feel great and then my husband mows the lawn and comes inside and he did wash his hands but to me they still aren't clean. The reason is still because of the antifreeze that is in the shed with the lawn mower. It was in the garage but I had my husband move it because I'd rather have it in the shed than the garage.
Now to a person without OCD this will sound bizarre but I am going to share a story about the book I checked out at the library yesterday. I got this book that I was really excited about reading. It was a book on food fermentation which I'm really interested in. So, I get the book and what do ya know the author has AIDS. Some of you might already know what my OCD mind is thinking and "normal" minds wouldn't dream of this. I didn't want the book anymore because somehow maybe the author had touched the book or other people with AIDS and so on. I know it's stupid but that's how I think. I put the books on the floor in my car and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible. I put them in a plastic grocery bag so I could dispose of them at the library without touching them again. My daughter wanted to take them so I let her but told her how to do it. I hate it when I have to tell people how I want them to do something to avoid contamination or explain why I do something because I don't want them to have to participate in the ritualization and it's makes me sound very weird, even to myself when I am speaking it out loud. The books fell on the ground when she was trying to return them and the bag got stuck in the return thing. I was sitting in the car watching her but was far enough away she wouldn't be able to hear me. I felt bad because I know she probably was wondering what she should do next since I didn't want her to touch the books. When she got back to the car I gave her a wet wipe. Then, she took her earring off and started rubbing her ear. Oh great! She never takes her earring off normally unless she is changing them. I had a major episode for a few years after she got her ears pierced. I was so afraid she may had gotten hiv and then eventually had her tested when she had blood drawn for another reason.
Life in the OCD lane is very interesting is all I can say.


  1. I sometimes don't want to write about OCD, either. It's okay if you want to write about something totally different sometimes. OCD isn't our whole lives and I'd still be interested in reading it. :)

    I think I've had trouble with "contaminated" books in the past, but my OCD wasn't as strong on that subject. OCD definately isn't bound by "normal" logic. I hope the antifreeze trouble gets better. I admire your persistance in dealing with OCD.

  2. Hi Kim... thanks for posting this, I mentioend to you months ago I have the same fear and still do... Its a every day battle, if I may I like share a lil story of mine...

    It wasw last fathers day my wife and I along with my sister and her boyfriend went to sobey's to buy some snacks for the special day... we took a cart and puchased some chips... for some strange reason I did no noticed what was inside the cart... after putting the bags of chips in them and buying them and taking them to the car, while taking the chips out I noticed there was a few napkins on the cart with blood in them, seems like someone had a bleeding nose just now... the fact it was on the back of the cart gave me a bit of a relief as it may be a lil childs since they tend to sit there but still... I was terrifie3d... I told them I want to throw the chips away which at this point was sitting in my sisters bf's trunk but they think its a waste.... so they made me returned them... when I carried the chips out of the trunk I was so fearful of the bottom of the bag as it may have touched the bloody napkins... I finally returned it but at this point already feel the bag touched my clothes... once I got home I took it off and threw it in a corner both my shirt and pants... however at this point I feel my pants had touched everywhere and had contimnated the house...

    Anyhow moved forward to almost a year later, a month ago my sisteres bf helped me picked up my wife from the bus stop as I was busy she said in the same area I sat when I had my contaminated clothes... she came home and then proceed by being very close to our drawer... now I fear the blood has been first transferredf from my sisters bf car to my wifes pants, then from her pants it got now transferred to the drawer, I have been afaid to go into it since as I put our sleep wear inside but sooner or later I will need to find the power to open it and take the things out, probably will have to get rid of the drawer now... I know its almost a year and the germ should of died but I just can't get over it...

    to make matters worse each time she walks by it I get so paranoid she may have touched her sleep wear on it and bring the germs to our bed... Ahh its such a struggle... you're not the only one with this problem, mines may be similiar or worse =(

  3. Hi Kim. I'm sorry about the library book. I think I might actually have had a slight problem with that book too. AIDS has definitely been a hot button issue for me at times. There was a time when I bought a used textbook and there was most definitely blood stains on some of the pages. I'm sure that's what it was - even my husband agreed it was. It was really hard for me to use that book, but I figured the blood was dried and nothing could transfer to me. I just tried to avoid touching those pages. It was difficult though. I was pretty glad when that class was over!

    I'm so glad you posted. I've been wondering how you've been. I like the updated look of your blog and your picture!


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